Skokiaan - Louis Armstrong
When I deejay, and I put this on, they all think what the hell is he playing at - playing out of date stuff like this? But they usually trust me a bit by now and give it a half hearted try. Soon, way before Louis starts singing, seduced by the terrific rhythms of Sy Oliver's band, they're hooked. Then he sings at last, and they all get enthusiastically happy a la "Happy happy Africa" and THEN - at approximately 3 minutes 54 seconds in - the roof comes off and everyone goes crazy! People come running from the bar just to join in, hoping they're not too late to be a part of the general frenzy. Usually they applaud at the end. Which just goes to show the power of African style drumming and the best trad style jazz trumpet that there ever was.
The song was written by Zimbabwean August Musarurwa and released in the then Rhodesia in the late 1940's, so Satchmo was getting back to his roots and then bringing them up to date New Orleans style. And reminding everyone where all those great jazz rhythms had originated.