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Feeling Good - CoCo and the Butterfields

Talking of Nina Simone (which we just about were) let's bring her closer to home to South Kent with the wonderfully versatile CoCo and the Butterfield's version of her "Feeling Good".

Normally I say try not to look at the video, but in this case - as with Goat Girl and Doctor Hook - the video seems to be the perfect accompaniment to the song.

Maybe the people in the video are just an uncommonly nice bunch and this figures as they are probably mostly friends of CoCo and the Butterfields who are in turn a really good bunch. But I like to think that these are just random people whop are achieving a state of grace and happiness by engaging in the act of being filmed singing along with the song and that this comes across and makes me feel happy and free too, just by seeing them. Uplifted even. Which means we should all be singing along with this and feeling good.

And of course there is the fabulous soulful vocal by lead singer Dulcima Showan (she's the last person to appear on the video) which helps big time.

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